1) Yellow- joyful energy and hope
Yellow color which has a positive and bright energy has a refreshing effect
and a stimulation effect.
It makes athletic ability better and gives us great pleasure emotionally.
Yellow color also promotes digestion, so it is suitable for kitchen decoration.
2) Pink - for affection and happiness
Pink color which has a warm and gorgeous and comfortable feeling,
it will help calm you.
Pink color promotes the circulation of the blood and stimulates the sensory nerves.
It vitalizes a person who has a depression.
Caution !!
When you are using pink color in a kitchen interior,
just utilize it as a small stuff, not whole area cause rising
of blood pressure.
3) Green - nature and mental security
Green color symbolizing nature has an energy for people make their
mind comfortable and rich.
It recovers fatigue ,reduces stress, gives concentration.
4) Blue - balance of emotion
Blue color relieves the anxiety and muscle tension.
It helps to reduce allergic diseases, improves skin problem,
relieves stress and headache.
Especially, blue color is helpful when you're on a diet.