Wednesday, 24 September 2014

{feng-shuii} interior to bring money(1)

1.  Breathe

 Today,  let's take a deep  breath.
Your  money luck will  be  increased  if  you  eliminate  bad  energy  from
the body.

In the morning~~

First, Open the window  when you wake up  and  let fresh and clean air in
your room. Then  take a deep  breathe !
When you're taking  a deep  breath, your  bad  energy inside will  get out
and  absorb  plus  energy  to  your body.

At night~~~~

Breathe out deeply  before going to bed  keeping the window open.
Sleeping time  is  the time zone  you're  bring  the money  luck  in your home.

2. Wallet

What  was  in your wallet ?

Full of  receipts ?

Money  won't  come  to  you  in  the wallet  containing  all  of  receipts.

If  you  collect  the  receipts, minus  energy  will  remain  in your wallet,
good  luck won't  come to you.

3. Bag

Your  bag  shows  the present state of your mind, your face, your body
and  your  situation.

Making a mess  of your bag means that your mind and situation is
messed up.

Messing up  has caused  minus energy.

At first, Get rid of  the stuff  that  you  don't use  anymore, then
wipe with clean patch.