Thursday, 1 May 2014

Living room interior tip for family- couch or sofa

Sofa or couch facing the  entrance
     is  good  for  family

A sofa facing the door  leaves  a  good  impression  as  if 
a friend  signs  to you  to invite.

Therefore,  you  seduced  by  silent  allusion  seems  to feel  that
you   want  to  go  to a  living room as soon  as  you came home.

Interior tip  for living room 

1) Check  if  something   is  boarding up  the way  to couch  from
    an  entrance

2) Sofa  or couch  must  place  facing  to an entrance

3) Hang  a  painting  in perspective  
    on  the   opposite  of  an exit.